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Category: MGS News and Resources

The Lost Treasure of Lima

The Lost Treasure of Lima

On the brink of revolutionary war, the city of Lima sought to hide its valuable treasure. Unfortunately, they entrusted it to pirates…

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The Lost Silver Mines of Tayopa

The Lost Silver Mines of Tayopa

Lost mines of precious metals are purportedly all over the world, but Mexico is home to the elusive Tayopa silver mines which have been found and lost twice.

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The Not-so-Secret Coin Collection

The Not-so-Secret Coin Collection

A valuable 200 year-old coin collection was recently found hiding in plain site at a library in Belgium. The box was dusted for years without anyone ever looking inside.

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The Lost Gold of Lake Guatavita

The Lost Gold of Lake Guatavita

Lake Guatavita is the source of the El Dorado myth. It also is the resting place of golden artifacts that many have tried for years to recover.

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Midas and the River Pactolus

Midas and the River Pactolus

King Midas gained the ability to turn whatever he touched into gold. According to legend, he also was indirectly responsible for the world’s first gold coins.

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The Legend of El Dorado

The Legend of El Dorado

El Dorado originally referred to a person in an ancient tribal ritual. It now refers to a mythical city made entirely of gold. Many have sought El Dorado, but none have succeeded.

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