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Precious Metals Blog

Category: Gold Buying Trends

Gold Prices Surge to Nearly $1,200

Gold prices got a big boost, but will the trend continue? Read on to learn the details of the surge and whether you should sell.

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How China’s Love of Gold Influences Apple Product Designs

China loves gold, as well as Apple products. This has influenced Apple to include gold into its family of product colors. Learn more in this post.

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Low Gold Prices May Shrink Worldwide Production

Low gold prices make the metal less profitable, causing mining companies to slow their production accordingly. Are we approaching “peak gold?” Read on.

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Billionaire Paul Singer Promotes Gold

Paul Singer lauded the benefits of gold ownership during a recent investment conference. Learn more in this blog post.

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Russia Continues to Grow Gold Reserves

Russia has been steadily increasing its gold reserves month after month. Learn more about this trend and what it means in our blog post.

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Indian Government May Start Buying Gold from Citizens

To ease its account deficit and dependence on imports, India has drafted a gold monetization scheme to buy gold from citizens. Learn the details in this post.

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