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Precious Metals Blog

Category: Silver Market News

The Bushveld Igneous Complex: Where Platinum Comes From

Most of the world’s platinum comes from a geological formation known as the Bushveld Igneous Complex. Learn more about it by reading our blog.

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How Platinum Improves OLED Technology

How Platinum Improves OLED Technology

Scientists have found a way to use platinum to improve OLED lighting technology. Learn how it works by reading this blog post.

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The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 2

The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 2

One of the steepest price drops for silver in history occurred on Silver Thursday. Learn about the aftermath of the crash in this blog post.

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The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 1

The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 1

The Hunt brothers used their family fortune to try and corner the silver market, resulting in the infamous Silver Thursday. Read on to learn how it started.

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The Story Behind Platina 4 Jewelry

The Story Behind Platina 4 Jewelry

Platina 4, or P4, is a precious metal alloy that incorporates gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. Learn about P4 and its advantages over other jewelry.

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Bang-Snaps and Silver Fulminate

Bang-snaps use silver fulminate to detonate. Normally, silver fulminate is incredibly unstable. But bang-snaps are safe enough for children.

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