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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Gold

New Form of Gold Made in Lab

Gold is known for its rarity and beauty, with a brilliant shine that’s unmatched by any other mineral. However, researchers have recently produced a new kind of gold crystal that’s even shinier than

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Secure Gold Storage

For thousands of years, people have used vaults for gold storage. One of the most well known vaults is Fort Knox, where 147.3 million ounces of gold holdings are stored. 

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Three Advantages of Buying Gold Online

In today’s digital age, you can pretty much buy anything online. Case in point, a DJ once put a leftover half-eaten piece of Justin’s Timberlake’s French toast on eBay, which sold for $1,025.When it

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10 Unbelievable Gold Facts

Gold is probably one of the most versatile metals. It boasts a pretty impressive resume, from serving as an ice cream topping to a filter on an astronaut’s visor, and even as a medicine for cancer

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How to Tell It’s Time to Sell Gold

Selling gold can be a lucrative side hustle. That’s especially true if your business consistently has valuable materials on hand that it no longer needs, such as filing dust, dental filings or broken

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Ants Help Detect Gold in the Ground

The “Gold Rush” was sparked by the discovery of gold nuggets in Sacramento Valley in 1848. Thousands of prospective miners traveled to California by land and sea, extracting more than 750,000 pounds

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