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Tag: History

The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 2

The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 2

One of the steepest price drops for silver in history occurred on Silver Thursday. Learn about the aftermath of the crash in this blog post.

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The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 1

The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 1

The Hunt brothers used their family fortune to try and corner the silver market, resulting in the infamous Silver Thursday. Read on to learn how it started.

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The Beauty of Ancient Gold Glass

The Beauty of Ancient Gold Glass

Gold glass was a popular gift in the Roman Empire. Learn about how it was made and used by reading this blog post.

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New Discovery in Ancient Egyptian Jewelry

New Discovery in Ancient Egyptian Jewelry

Scientists have discovered that some ancient Egyptian jewelry has an unusual origin. Read on to learn what historians previously thought was impossible.

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The Lycurgus Cup: An Incredible Feat of Ancient Refining

The Lycurgus Cup: An Incredible Feat of Ancient Refining

The Lycurgus cup contains gold nanoparticles that make it change color. Learn more about the design of the Lycurgus cup in this blog post.

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The Lost Gold of La Noche Triste: Part 3

When Cortés was fleeing the Azetc capital, he devised a plan to steal as much gold as possible. However, the gold became his downfall.

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