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Tag: History

The Lost Gold of La Noche Triste: Part 2

The Lost Gold of La Noche Triste: Part 2

Cortés wore out his welcome with the Aztecs. They demanded that he return their looted gold and leave. But Cortés had other plans.

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The Lost Gold of La Noche Triste: Part 1

The conquistadors are famous for all the gold-looting they did during the 16th century. But La Triste Noche was the night they went too far.

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The Legend of Lasseter’s Reef

Harold Lasseter claimed to have found a rich gold reef, but was never able to find it’s location a second time. He died looking for it.

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The Ancient Art of Goldbeating

The Ancient Art of Goldbeating

Goldbeating has been used for thousands of years to create gold leaf. Learn about the painstaking process of goldbeating in this blog post.

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The Famous Faberge Eggs of Russia

Peter Carl Fabergé crafted the world-famous Fabergé eggs for Russian royalty. Learn the story behind the Fabergé eggs in this blog post.

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Avedis Zildjian – The Alchemist

Zildjian invented modern-day cymbals while searching for a way to turn base metals into gold. Learn the Zildjian company history in this blog post.

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