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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Mining

The Conflict-Free Gold Standard: What is it & Why it Matters: Part 1

The Conflict-Free Gold Standard provides a framework for companies to ethically source gold from conflict-prone regions. Learn the benefits in this post.

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A Rare Plant that Only Grows in Diamond-rich Soil

A geologist claims that Pandanus candelabrum only thrives in soil that is commonly known to contain diamonds. Learn the details in this post.

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The Gold Mining Process

Gold mining has been around for centuries, but has changed many times over the generations. Learn how modern-day gold mining works here.

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Peruvian Gold Smugglers

Peruvian Gold Smugglers

The Peruvian government is making efforts to reduce illegal gold mining and smuggling within its borders. Learn about their progress in this post.

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Froth Flotation and Gold Extraction

Froth Flotation and Gold Extraction

Froth flotation is method of gold extraction using water and surfactants. Learn about how the froth flotation process works in this blog post.

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Roasting and Refractory Gold Ore

Roasting and Refractory Gold Ore

Refractory gold ore cannot be treated with traditional cyadination methods. Learn how the roasting method is used to process refractory gold ore.

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