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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Science and Technology

Non-Destructive Assays for Gold: Part 1

Learn about assays for antiques and delicate objects. In this post, we discuss how spectrophotometry can measure an object’s gold content.

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How do Refiners get Gold from Electronics?

Electronics use small amounts of precious metals to work properly. Check out our infographic to learn refiners extract those metals.

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Quick Checks to Suss Out Fake Gold

There are a number of low-tech tricks for spotting the difference of real gold and fake gold. Follow these tips from MGS to quickly test your gold.

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New Underwater Drone makes Gold Exploration more Accessible

Later this year, underwater prospectors will have a new way to search the seas for gold. Learn more about the Trident underwater drone.

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There is such a thing as ‘Too Much Gold’

Gold makes electronics better – but too much can have the opposite effect. Learn why in this blog post.

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Silver-Coated Fabric makes Clothes Ultra-Warm

By adding silver nanowire to fabric, scientists have created a lightweight, breathable, and incredibly warm textile. Learn how it works in this post.

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