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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Science and Technology

The Role of Mercury in Gold Refining

The Role of Mercury in Gold Refining

Mercury readily mixes with gold and silver to form amalgams – which were very useful throughout the history of metal refining. Learn how amalgams work here.

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Nano-Diamonds & Dental Prosthetics

Nano-Diamonds & Dental Prosthetics

Scientists have discovered a way to use nano-diamonds to improve the viability of dental prosthetics. Learn how it works by reading this blog post.

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How Eucalyptus Trees Can Help Miners

How Eucalyptus Trees Can Help Miners

Scientists have recently discovered that eucalyptus trees can draw gold up from the ground. Read on to learn how this helps miners.

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How Platinum Improves OLED Technology

How Platinum Improves OLED Technology

Scientists have found a way to use platinum to improve OLED lighting technology. Learn how it works by reading this blog post.

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How Gold Causes Chrysiasis

How Gold Causes Chrysiasis

Gold compounds can cause chrysiasis a permanent discoloration of the skin. Learn why this condition occurs by reading this blog post.

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Bang-Snaps and Silver Fulminate

Bang-snaps use silver fulminate to detonate. Normally, silver fulminate is incredibly unstable. But bang-snaps are safe enough for children.

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