Science and Technology Archives - Manhattan Gold & Silver New York Thu, 25 Jan 2024 18:52:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Science and Technology Archives - Manhattan Gold & Silver 32 32 Precious Metals and the Future of Clean Energy Tue, 26 Sep 2023 12:06:26 +0000 The quest for clean, sustainable energy has never been more imperative as we face the challenge of climate change. While we often look to the wind, water, and sun for solutions, it’s intriguing to find that the earth’s crust also holds keys to our green energy future. Precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, and […]

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The quest for clean, sustainable energy has never been more imperative as we face the challenge of climate change. While we often look to the wind, water, and sun for solutions, it’s intriguing to find that the earth’s crust also holds keys to our green energy future.

Precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, and palladium are turning out to be invaluable allies in our journey toward clean energy. From efficient electricity transmission to emission reduction and hydrogen purification, these metals are at the forefront of innovative technologies, shaping the landscape of renewable energy and as we work toward a more sustainable future.

Gold: The High-Tech Conductor

While known for its aesthetics and monetary value, is perhaps lesser known that gold has a pivotal role in the realm of clean energy, specifically in the electronics of renewable energy systems. Its impressive conductivity makes it ideal for efficient energy transmission, particularly in photovoltaic solar cells. The thin gold film in these cells facilitates the efficient conversion of sunlight into electricity, an innovation that’s helping to power our increasingly green world. As our dependency on renewable energy sources grows, gold’s importance in these systems is poised to rise. Researchers are also exploring its potential in other cutting-edge areas, like quantum computing, which could revolutionize the way we process and store renewable energy data.

Silver: The Solar Energy Stalwart

Silver currently has the largest presence and use cases in the solar industry, thanks to its superior electrical and thermal conductivity. It forms the backbone of photovoltaic solar cells, where it is used in the form of a paste that forms the cell’s conductive layers. This silver paste plays a key role in the cell’s ability to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. Currently, around 10% of the global silver supply is dedicated to the solar industry. The race is now on to find ways to use silver more efficiently or enhance its performance, promising a shining future for this precious metal in clean energy.

Platinum: The Fuel Cell Catalyst

The power of platinum in the clean energy industry lies in its role as a catalyst in fuel cells, especially those powering hydrogen cars. Fuel cells work by facilitating a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, and platinum’s unique properties help speed up this reaction to produce electricity, heat, and water – the only byproduct. While the high cost of platinum presents a challenge, ongoing research is aimed at minimizing the amount needed in these cells. Future applications may extend to large-scale energy systems, like stationary power plants, further expanding platinum’s footprint in clean energy.

Rhodium: The Emission Combatant

Though it’s one of the rarest metals on earth, rhodium has a significant impact on clean energy. Its main role is in automotive catalytic converters, where it helps to reduce harmful emissions by converting them into less harmful substances. As emissions regulations become stricter and hybrid vehicles more common, the demand for rhodium is expected to surge.

In the future, scientists could harness rhodium’s catalytic properties for other applications, such as converting CO2 back into fuel, providing an interesting bridge between fossil fuels and a clean energy future.

Palladium: The Hydrogen Purifier

Palladium may be best known for its role in jewelry, but it’s also making waves in clean energy, primarily through hydrogen purification. This precious metal has the unique ability to absorb a large volume of hydrogen, which can then be easily released, making it an excellent choice for extracting pure hydrogen for use in fuel cells. As the world increasingly turns to hydrogen as a clean energy source, the role of palladium is expected to grow. Additionally, its potential in advanced battery technology could further cement its place in our clean energy future.

What the Future of Clean Energy & Precious Metals Has in Store

As we continue to advance into the clean energy revolution, it’s clear that our path toward sustainability is shining with precious metals. Gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, and palladium have assumed new significance in their unique roles within the clean energy industry. Their contributions range from efficient energy transmission to reducing harmful emissions and advancing hydrogen-based technologies. The future of these metals is not only glistening but also green, promising to play an increasingly central role in our journey towards a sustainable and clean energy-driven world.

While challenges in cost and efficiency persist, the innovative applications of these precious resources underscore their invaluable contribution to a green, sustainable future.

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Deep Sea Mining for Precious Metals: The Next Frontier? Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:06:56 +0000 Deep sea precious metal mining refers to the process of extracting valuable metals such as gold, silver, copper, zinc, and others from the ocean floor. This type of mining involves drilling into the seabed using specialized equipment to extract the metals, which are often found in polymetallic nodules or sulfide deposits. What are Polymetallic Nodules? […]

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Deep sea precious metal mining refers to the process of extracting valuable metals such as gold, silver, copper, zinc, and others from the ocean floor. This type of mining involves drilling into the seabed using specialized equipment to extract the metals, which are often found in polymetallic nodules or sulfide deposits.

What are Polymetallic Nodules?

Polymetallic nodules are small, potato-shaped rocks that are found on the ocean floor and are a significant target for undersea mining operations. These nodules are formed over millions of years by chemical reactions between seawater and the minerals that make up the ocean floor.

What are Sulfide Deposits?

Sulfide deposits are another type of valuable mineral deposit that can be found on the ocean floor. These deposits are formed by the action of hydrothermal vents. These vents are openings in the seafloor where hot, mineral-rich water is released from the earth’s mantle. As the hot water mixes with the cold seawater, minerals precipitate out of the water and form sulfide deposits.

Both polymetallic nodules and sulfide deposits can contain a variety of valuable metals, including copper, zinc, lead, gold, and silver. The concentrations of these metals can be quite high in some deposits, making them a lucrative target for mining operations.

The Status of Deep Sea Precious Metal Mining

Currently, deep sea precious metal mining is in its infancy, with only a few companies actively engaged in exploration and development. The high cost and technical complexity of deep sea mining make it a challenging endeavor, but the potential rewards are significant.

Some of the companies currently undertaking deep sea mining include Nautilus Minerals, a Canadian company that has a mining lease for an area in the Bismarck Sea off the coast of Papua New Guinea, and DeepGreen Metals, a company that is exploring an area in the Pacific Ocean known as the Clarion-Clipperton Zone.

Unexplored Areas with Potential

There are several unexplored areas that may be future deep sea mining targets, including the South Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. These areas are thought to contain significant deposits of precious metals, but further exploration is needed to confirm their full potential.

Environmental Risk vs. Reward

The impact of deep sea mining on the environment is a topic of much debate. The drilling and extraction process can disrupt marine ecosystems and destroy habitats for deep sea creatures. There are also concerns about the release of toxic chemicals and heavy metals into the water column.

As the industry continues to develop, it is important that everyone involved considers the costs and benefits of these operations and works to minimize their impact on the planet and its inhabitants. Keep an eye on the Manhattan Gold & Silver blog as we continue to cover deep sea mining progress.

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How Silver is Being Used in Solar Applications Wed, 22 Mar 2023 12:00:37 +0000 Learn about how silver is used in solar technology, from conductive grid lines to reflective coatings. Discover its crucial role in generating sustainable energy.

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The world is ever-changing and evolving, with new technological advancements being made every day. One of the most exciting areas of innovation in recent years has been in the field of renewable energy, with solar technology at the forefront of this revolution.

At the heart of these cutting-edge solar systems lies a critical element: silver. This precious metal plays a vital role in the production of solar cells, enabling the conversion of sunlight into usable electricity. From the creation of conductive grid lines to reflective coatings, silver’s high conductivity and durability make it an essential component in the efficient generation and transmission of electricity.

In this article, we delve into the ways in which silver is used in solar technology, exploring some of the most common applications and highlighting the important role that this versatile metal plays in the creation of sustainable energy solutions for a greener future.

Common Ways Silver is Used in Solar Technology

Grid Lines

One of the most common ways that silver is used in solar technology is in the creation of the grid lines that make up the electrical circuitry of a solar cell. These grid lines are typically thin strips of silver that are deposited onto the surface of the cell in a process known as screen printing. The silver acts as a conductor, allowing the electricity generated by the cell to be transmitted to other components of the solar panel.

RELATED: See Our Infographic on How Silver is Used in Solar Technology

Reflective Coatings

Another way that silver is used in solar technology is in the creation of reflective coatings for the back of solar cells. These coatings help to reflect sunlight back into the cell, increasing its efficiency and reducing the amount of energy that is lost as heat.

Contacts and Connectors

In addition to these applications, silver is also used in the production of other components of solar cells, such as contacts and connectors. It is valued for its high conductivity and durability, making it an ideal material for use in the harsh conditions of the outdoors.

Looking Ahead: New and More Efficient Solar Cells

As solar technology continues to advance, new and innovative uses for silver are likely to emerge. One potential area of development is the use of silver nanoparticles in the creation of more efficient solar cells, which could improve the conversion of sunlight into electricity. Additionally, new methods of depositing silver onto solar cells may be developed, such as the use of inkjet printing, which could improve the precision and efficiency of the manufacturing process.

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Gold Improves CT Scan Visualization for Finer Details Wed, 15 Jun 2022 13:00:39 +0000 Research shows that gold improves CT scan visualization for finer details. Discover how the process works and might be used in real-world applications.

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Computed tomography (CT) scans have been used to diagnose diseases, identify injuries and conduct research for decades. In fact, the first CT scan that allowed us to see inside the human skull took place more than 50 years ago.

The idea came from British engineer Godfrey Hounsfield, who initially wondered if hidden areas of Egyptian pyramids could be discovered by capturing cosmic rays that pass through empty spaces. The concept is similar to the notion of peeking into a box without actually opening it.

Over time, the idea evolved and Hounsfield ultimately invented a way to see inside a skull to take an image of the brain.

Now, half a century later, CT scans still allow us to capture images of things that would otherwise not be visible from the surface. However, there is one small deficit. Finer details of organisms aren’t always easy to see on CT scans. This makes it difficult for scientists to represent them in a CT analysis.

That all changed recently when scientists coated samples with a thin layer of gold. This process allowed them to digitally capture fine structures like bristles or scales on the body of an organism. As a result, low-contrast structures can be visualized through CT scans.

Using gold for greater visualization isn’t a new process in and of itself. In fact, gold is already used in the process of scanning electron microscopy, which allows researchers to obtain high-resolution images of biological and non-biological specimen.

The traditional process of sample preparation for scanning electron microscopy was coupled with the modern X-ray-based CT scan to make this new application possible.

When the untreated samples were compared with the gold-coated samples, the difference was apparent. The gold made finer details visible that otherwise wouldn’t have been. Additionally, internal anatomical details could still be rebuilt without issue.

The scientists also wanted to show that this approach wasn’t just limited to certain organisms. To prove this, they replicated the process with insects, bird feathers, plants, and spider silk.

This advancement may be utilized in biological science applications, including taxonomy and educational museum projects, reported the EurekAlert!, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It may also be used for material science or quality control at manufacturing companies.

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3 Common Metal Detector Myths To Get Over and Get Outside Wed, 25 May 2022 12:00:07 +0000 We debunk 3 metal detector myths in an effort to encourage people to get outside and keep exploring.

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Metal detecting can be a rewarding experience in multiple ways for hobbyists. For one, the possibility of finding something extraordinary adds to the allure of the process. Additionally, there’s always the chance of finding something of value under the ground. At the very least, using a metal detector gives users a fantastic excuse to get outside.

Unfortunately, there are misconceptions and myths about metal detectors that prevent people from using them. Today, we’ll dive into a few of these myths and attempt to debunk them with the hope that you’ll dust off the detector in your closet and use it to its full potential.

But first…

Manage Your Expectations

Whether you’re just starting your metal detecting journey or if you’ve been in the game for a while, it’s critical to remember that patience is key. Few hobbyists find items of significant value, and for the ones that do, it may take years of exploring. Metal detecting is best suited to individuals who are patient, live in the moment, and enjoy the process. If you keep this in mind and set lower expectations, even small finds will feel rewarding.

Myth #1: You Need a Very Expensive Metal Detector to Find Anything

Perhaps the biggest misconception about metal detecting is that you need an expensive device to have a chance at finding anything of value. There are more important factors than the price of the metal detector that influence results. It’s important to consider the location you’re detecting and whether there are reasons it could be a rewarding site. Soil composition, trash, technique, and undergrowth can impact results regardless of a location’s potential yield.

Equally important is not the metal detector’s price point, but how the coils are configured. Smaller coils are more sensitive to detecting metal but come with the drawback of not penetrating as deeply into the ground. Conversely, larger coils may penetrate more deeply but are less sensitive to different types of metal objects.

Various companies sell detectors with both large and small coils in different configurations. Price points vary widely, but this should not be considered a barrier to entry. Plenty of hobbyists discover finds with low-cost detectors when the location and soil composition are suited to the detector’s settings. You can learn more about how metal detectors work here.

Myth #2: There’s Nowhere to Metal Detect

While it’s true that both private and public land usually require prior approval to go prospecting, there are plenty of locations and strategies you can employ to metal detect to your heart’s desire. Your best bet is to speak with friends and family and get approval to search their property. If you’ve exhausted your list of contacts and have reason to believe a particular site holds value on private or public land, check with the owner or the city for approval. Finally, many state beaches, like those in Florida, are open for metal detectorists to search without a permit, and finds are allowed to be kept.

Myth #3: Metal Detecting Only Finds Trash

One frequent pain point preventing detectorists from getting outside is that they tend to find a lot of trash. To mitigate this, we recommend thinking outside of the box and not prospecting on land that has a long history of litter.

Remember, there is no such thing as a perfect metal detector. Most metal detectors factor in both the size and conductivity of an object to determine what it may be. Depending on your detector’s settings, a large piece of iron trash may read the same as a smaller piece of gold jewelry. In most cases, we recommend digging every signal you find, doing thorough research on your prospecting location beforehand, and adjusting your detector’s discrimination settings as needed.

Have a precious metal you discovered that you’d like to sell?

Manhattan Gold & Silver can assay, weigh, and pay you on the spot should you decide to sell your lot. We always guarantee a fair price for objects and alloys that may contain gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, or palladium based on the current London market fixing.

If you have any questions or would like to sell your precious metal discoveries, get in touch with us today by phone or using our online contact form.

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Astronomers Find New Source of Gold in Space Wed, 13 Apr 2022 12:00:58 +0000 Learn why scientists now believe that black holes may synthesize gold in space, adding to the list of amazing things these cosmic phenomena can do.

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If your alchemy pursuits haven’t been working out, you might consider hanging out around black holes instead. That’s right: Scientists now believe that black holes can create heavy elements—including precious metals like gold—meaning there’s a potential new source of gold in space.

According to research published earlier this year in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, black holes might have other really cool powers besides bending time and space. They also apparently have optimal energy conditions for creating heavy elements.

The gold could form in what’s known as “accretion disks.” These are basically bands of matter that rapidly revolve around black holes before being sucked in. When astronomers in Germany and Japan ran computer simulations of black holes with large accretion disks, they found that gold and other heavy elements were frequently synthesized.

Until now, scientists have only known the creation of elements like gold and silver to occur in space (theoretically or observed) when stars explode and during other similarly extreme astrophysical events. And even that’s a pretty new confirmed concept; it was only in 2017 when scientists first identified the creation of gold in space, finding it in the remnants after two neutron stars collided.

Scientists are concluding that there’s probably a significant amount of gold in space, and that it may be formed in cosmic ways we haven’t even imagined yet.

Have Gold Here on Earth?

While the prospect of gold in space is exciting, it’s of little practical value right now. But if you have gold scrap or gold items in your possession here on Earth, it has considerable value you can cash in on right away. We offer quick assaying and immediate payments based on the current London market price fixing for precious metals. Learn more about selling us your lot and turn your gold into cash today.

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Platinum in Hydrogen Fuel Cells: How This Metal Makes Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles Possible Wed, 16 Feb 2022 13:00:54 +0000 Learn why there's platinum in hydrogen fuel cells, and why hydrogen-powered vehicles are an environmentally friendly alternative for the future.

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Combustion engines are bad for the environment and our health, giving off carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and other damaging emissions. And while electric vehicles don’t create tailpipe emissions and are significantly less harmful than gasoline-powered vehicles, the production of electricity usually has a carbon footprint (which varies depending on the power source). Hydrogen-powered vehicles are a potentially more environmentally friendly alternative, and they’re made possible by the platinum in hydrogen fuel cells.

What Are Hydrogen Fuel Cells?

A hydrogen-powered vehicle is still an electric-powered vehicle. But hydrogen fuel cells are an eco-friendly, emissions-free way of producing electricity.

Fuel cells produce electricity, and they’re similar to batteries in many ways (e.g., they have no moving parts, they make no sound, they generate electricity via an electrochemical reaction rather than combustion, etc.). There are different types of fuel cells, but the most common and most extensively researched type is the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell—otherwise known as a hydrogen fuel cell.

Without getting too technical, these fuel cells convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity. The only byproduct of this process is heat and water. There are no greenhouse gases given off or any other emissions created that damage the environment or human health.

Why Is There Platinum in Hydrogen Fuel Cells?

Platinum has certain characteristics that make it well suited to a variety of industrial and power-related uses. These same characteristics are why there’s platinum in hydrogen fuel cells. Platinum electrodes are used to catalyze the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen that generates electricity.

Platinum has exceptionally high heat tolerance and stable electrical conductivity, and it’s extremely resistant to oxidation and corrosion. There are other metals with similar qualities, but platinum can also stand up to the highly acidic environment within a fuel cell.

Platinum for Powering the Future

As research and development on hydrogen-powered vehicles ramps up, we can reasonably expect the demand for platinum to increase in the coming years.

At the moment, there are only two cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells available in the U.S.—and only in California and Hawaii, at that. They’re the Toyota Mirai and the Honda Clarity. Recently, news broke that a company called Forze Hydrogen Racing will enter hydrogen-powered racecars into the world-famous 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race in 2024. This will undoubtedly bring a lot of new attention to this type of alternative vehicle.

As interest in issues of sustainability increases, and as hydrogen-powered vehicles are further developed and become more widely available, the fact that we need platinum in hydrogen fuel cells should drive up demand, as well as platinum prices.

In terms of precious metal refining, this will most likely create a new source of platinum for recycling, and higher prices paid out for platinum scrap and items. For now, go here if you have platinum you’d like to sell.

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What Metals Cannot Be Detected By A Metal Detector? Wed, 13 Oct 2021 12:30:17 +0000 Read on to learn what metal detectors are, how they work, and metals that they will not be able to detect.

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If you’ve ever had an interest in treasure hunting, you’ve likely seen metal detectors before. While they may seem like a full-proof way to find valuable treasures lying underground, they do have their limitations.

Read on to learn what metal detectors are, how they work, and metals that they will not be able to detect.

What Is A Metal Detector?

Metal detectors are electronic devices that use a large coil of wire, known as a transmit coil, and a second coil of wire, also called a receive coil, that alerts you to the presence of buried metals by emitting a sound.

However, metal detectors can’t find everything that lies underground.

Metals That Can’t Be Detected

Metal detectors work on electromagnetism. This means that they send out electromagnetic fields and listen for any waves that come back from items with electrical conductivity.

Metal detectors have a tough time detecting metals like stainless steel, which have very poor electrical conductivity. Stainless steel has low magnetic permeability, which means it does not produce a signal strong enough to be detected. Other items that metal detectors won’t be able to locate include:

  • Gemstones
  • Paper
  • Pearls
  • Bone
  • Stone figures

Metals That Metal Detectors Can Easily Find

Ferrous metals are the easiest for metal detectors to find due to their magnetic properties. If the metal is conductive, then the chances a detector will find them are high.

Using The Discrimination Feature

Metal detectors can’t be set to find exact types of metals and alloys. However, there is one feature you can use to avoid detecting unwanted items.

Metal detectors come with a discrimination setting that can differentiate between metallic allots. As different metal objects have their own characteristic phase shift, it’s possible to tell the difference between them. Silver dimes will generally cause a larger phase shift than aluminum for example.

Exchange Your Precious Metal Scrap

If you happen to find any precious metals like gold or silver on your next treasure hunt, be sure to exchange them with a refiner like Manhattan Gold & Silver. Our payouts are quick, fair, and based on the latest London Fixing prices.

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The Most Toxic Metals Wed, 24 Jun 2020 12:30:48 +0000 Some metals can be harmful to your health. Here are the most toxic metals you should avoid exposing yourself to.

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We normally associate terms like “toxicity” and “poisonous” with images of dangerous insects and reptiles. But, it turns out metals can be just as dangerous to humans. Here are the most toxic metals you should avoid exposing yourself to.


Considered the “poison of kings,” arsenic has been responsible for many assassinations throughout history. The odorless, tasteless nature of arsenic makes it a discrete and deadly poison.

Arsenic is a metal that naturally occurs in the environment as part of the earth’s crust. Exposure to high levels of arsenic typically occurs in workplaces at or near hazardous waste sites, and in areas with sizeable levels of arsenic naturally occurring in rocks, soil, and water.

Exposure to a high level of arsenic can result in death. At low levels, exposure to arsenic for long periods of time can cause the skin to discolor and produce small corns or warts. You should report any risk of exposure to arsenic in your workspace or neighborhood immediately.


Mercury is an extremely toxic metal. It is shiny, and liquid at room temperature – earning it the nickname “quicksilver.” Mercury has been used by humans for ages with evidence of its use in ancient China, India, and Egypt – where mercury was found in Egyptian tombs known to be more than 3,000 years old.

Exposure to mercury usually occurs in mining operations for other metals, such as silver and gold. Contact with high levels of mercury can cause permanent nervous system and kidney damage.

Though it is extremely dangerous, mercury is still a valuable metal. It is used to make scientific instruments like thermometers and barometers due to its high density. Mercury also conducts electricity, making it perfect for use in thermostats’ electrical switches and fluorescent light bulbs, which use mercury vapor.


A bluish, soft metal, cadmium is found in zinc ores. Much of the cadmium produced today comes from zinc byproducts and is recycled from nickel-cadmium batteries. Some of the top producers of this metal include China, Japan, Mexico and the United States.

Cadmium can be found in industrial workplaces, especially those where ores are being smelted or processed. Welders who unknowingly burn alloys containing cadmium have died from the resulting fumes. Exposure to cadmium dust can also cause stomach pains, severe vomiting, cancer and more.

Cadmium can be deadly, but it is also useful. It is a great electrical conductor, often applied in electroplating and found in devices like cell phones, cordless power tools, cameras, computers, and more.

Staying Safe

No office job or average home should expose you to the toxic metals we’ve listed. Make sure to research whether these metals could potentially be in your workplace or home. OSHA maintains a page dedicated to regulatory information about toxic metals, so make sure your employer is following protective standards.

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How Metals Like Silver and Copper Kill Germs Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:30:29 +0000 We’ll detail how metals like silver and copper kill germs, a valuable function that may serve us well in light of recent events.

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When we think of precious metals, we usually tend to think of them as materials we can invest in or use to make jewelry. However, science shows that precious metals have many more uses.

Below, we’ll explain how metals like silver and copper kill germs – a valuable function that could serve us well in light of recent events.

A History of Copper and Outbreaks

The use of copper in modern-day infrastructure is mostly gone, but there may be reason to bring it back. In 1852, physician Victor Burq found that a crew of 200 employees working at a copper smelter in Paris had all survived cholera outbreaks in 1832, 1849 and 1852. Additionally, another group of 400 to 500 copper workers on the same street had also survived the disease. This lead Burq to believe their work with copper had somehow made them immune to cholera. Eventually, he began an investigation into people who worked with copper around the world.

Although Burq’s investigation concluded copper could prevent diseases such as cholera, it was modern science that revealed how the base metal is so good at fighting germs: copper is anti-microbial.

How Does Copper Kill Germs?

Copper can kill bacteria and viruses, sometimes in a matter of minutes. Studies show that copper is able to destroy life-threatening microbes such as norovirus, virulent strains of e. coli, MRSA and coronaviruses – potentially even the strain causing the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Bacteria and viruses die when they come into contact with copper surfaces because copper releases electrically charged particles known as ions. The copper ions blast through cell membranes, destroying the entire microbe.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health virology laboratory found that after spraying SARS-COV2, the strain responsible for COVID-19, on seven different common materials, it survived the shortest amount of time on cooper. After just four hours living on copper, it was gone.

In a time of uncertainty over current and future pandemics, it may be wise to consider installing copper in hospitals, public transportation systems, and other places where germs can easily spread.

However, copper isn’t the only germ killing metal. Silver is also a viable option used in many medical applications.

The Use of Silver in Medical Applications

Silver, although it’s not very beneficial as an oral medication, can be great when used topically or integrated into medical instruments. For example, silver sulfadiazine, a topical antibiotic, is used on burn injuries to prevent infections. Silver is also used in various types of medical dressings due to the benefits it provides. Studies show dressings containing silver improve healing times and lead to more cost-savings compared to treatment with non-silver dressings.

Catheters containing silver also perform significantly better. A 2014 study showed that using a silver-alloy hydrogel urinary catheter reduced cases of urinary tract infections due to catheters.

Why Is Silver So Great At Fighting Infection?

Similar to copper, the antibacterial properties of silver come from the metal’s ions. Silver ions irreversibly damage enzyme systems critical to the pathogens’ cell membranes. The effectiveness of silver ions can also be improved through the use of an electric current. Researchers have also found silver has a “zombie effect” that makes it a powerful antiseptic.

Looking to the Future

As we learn more about bacteria and viruses, it’s important to look into methods of prevention – like simply changing the materials we use for high-touch surfaces like railings and doorknobs – as well as treatment methods. Hopefully, antimicrobial metals will become a more widespread tool in the fight against infectious diseases.

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