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Edible Gold

For thousands of years, people have celebrated their wealth by cooking with it, and even eating gold. The trend of edible gold continues to this day: many culinary stores sell gold leaf, powder and ribbon, and gold is an approved food additive in the Codex Alimentarius under code E175.

Even though it has been around for so long, cooking with gold has not varied much over time. Edible gold is still a precious metal, so it’s used sparingly as a decoration to lend an air of decadence to most any dish. As such, it’s commonly used in deserts. Since gold is so valued, and edible gold is so delicate, it is often handled by skilled chefs only. Gold recipes are served around the world at certain fine restaurants, sometimes at costs of $1,000 or more per plate.

Many people may wonder “is edible gold toxic?” before having a bite of the precious metal. There has been some confusion over the issue because it really depends on which gold you eat. Soluble gold, such as gold salt, can damage the kidneys and is considered toxic. However, pure gold is not toxic when eaten because it is inert to all body chemistry (which is why it is used in dentistry). Still, for those people who have allergic skin reactions to gold, they will likely want to avoid eating it as well.

Due to the inert nature of gold, it does not actually add flavor or nutrition to gourmet recipes, but it certainly adds flare. Of course, there are better things to do with your scrap gold than molecular gastronomy. At Manhattan Gold & Silver, we can recycle gold, as well as other precious metals from your business and put it to real use. Come visit us in Manhattan’s famed Diamond District, or contact us to learn more.

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