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Precious Metal Recycling

Precious Metal Recycling

The actual precious metal recycling process begins once we’ve tested your lot and given you a payout estimate.

The Melting Process

We operate 35-kilowatt induction furnaces that can easily reach high enough temperatures to melt platinum, which is upward of 3,200°F. The temperatures in the furnace get so high, welding glasses are needed to safely look at the molten metal when it’s in the crucible. We always suggest that customers watch their precious metal being melted.

The Recycling Process

After melting, processing and testing, the metal is sent for further recycling to reenter the market. We either produce bars or supply casting grain back to manufacturers.

With more than 30 years of experience, we are highly skilled at recycling precious metals quickly and efficiently. This allows us to process your lot—and pay you—all in the same or next day.

Are You Ready To Sell Us Your Lot? Let’s Get Started!
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