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Precious Metals Blog

Category: Gold Buying Trends

2019 Market Outlook for Gold

Gold is a valued commodity around the globe. Its price may fluctuate, but it’s never arbitrary – many types of current events and economic trends factor into whether the price of gold increases or

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How Ben Franklin Spotted Counterfeit Money

As long as there has been currency, there have been people trying to create counterfeit versions of it.Throughout American history, many have tried to make a living from creating fake money, some with

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Buy & Store Your Precious Metals With MGS

Manhattan Gold and Silver proudly announces the addition of a “Bullion Investment & Storage” section on our website! The online portal will allow you to safely purchase gold, silver, palladium, or

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Three Advantages of Buying Gold Online

In today’s digital age, you can pretty much buy anything online. Case in point, a DJ once put a leftover half-eaten piece of Justin’s Timberlake’s French toast on eBay, which sold for $1,025.When it

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Is this the end for the ‘Golden Age’ of Australian Mining?

Australia’s gold mines will reach peak production by the year 2021, according to an analysis recently published by industry advisory firm, MinEx Consulting. The report (PDF) provides a comprehensive

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Have Salt Prices Ever Outpaced Gold?

Clients who read our blog love to tell us little-known facts about precious metals. One we’ve heard a few times (and perhaps you have as well) is “Did you know that salt used to be more valuable than

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