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The Importance of Business Strategy on Social Media

Social media can be a great tool for marketing and growing your small business. But as an owner or manager, you probably don’t have the time to write every post or interact with user who posts on your page. However, you can leverage your industry expertise in shaping the direction of your business’s social media branding, messaging, and overall strategy.
For starters, create a personal account and use it. This will give insight into how your marketing efforts will be actually be perceived by users. Don’t worry about trying to sign up for every social media site. It’s better to be posting great content and interacting with customers on one or two social media sites, rather than spreading yourself thin over multiple sites.

When you decide to put your company on social media, do it with specific goals in mind. Having a branded social media page for its own sake won’t have any benefit for your business. Do you want to use social media to increase brand awareness? What about establishing your brand as an authority on industry-specific knowledge? Take cues from how other successful companies run their social media pages, or research social media strategy to come up with goals that fit your business.

Again, it’s not necessary for you to personally handle your company’s social media posts – but you should be involved in the strategy behind those efforts if you really want to see some benefit from social media.


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