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Tips for Direct Mail Writing

For us small businesses in the Diamond District, direct mail pieces are still a popular way to both acquire new customers, and update loyal customers about new inventory, services, or specials. But let’s face it – direct mail pieces have lost some of their effectiveness in this digital age. If you’re going to launch a direct mail campaign, anything less than your best is not going to work as well. Use these tips to maximize the attention-grabbing potential of your next batch of direct mailers.

Short and sweet

Direct mailers have limited space, and the people who read them have limited time. Grab their attention quickly with short, punchy paragraphs, bullet points for main features/benefits, and a clear layout.

Stress benefits, not features

No matter what an ad contains, customers are always asking themselves “how will this benefit me?” Give them an answer – what is it about your product or service that makes it of special interest and value to them? Tell readers how their lives will be improved with your product or service. If you can solve a problem for them, you’re more likely to make a sale.

Give background information

Customers feel more comfortable making purchases from experts who really know their products. If space permits, tell readers why your business is the best at what it does. Provide stories of real customers and company history and values.


If you’re using a long-form direct mail piece, break it up into sections using subheadings. That way, a reader can get the gist of your mailer at a glance and be more compelled to read the entire piece.



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