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5 Ways to Increase Foot Traffic to Your Business

Here in our niche of New York known as the Diamond District, foot traffic is important for the livelihood of small businesses. Since we’ve been in business since 1985, we’ve learned a few things along the way that we want to share with our friends in the Diamond District and throughout Manhattan. Here are some ideas you can use to drive more foot traffic to your business.

Be inviting: Firstly, pay close attention to your clientele and make sure your window displays and signage appeal to that demographic. Secondly, make the most of your busy hours. Hand out samples, coupons (perhaps to be redeemed during off-hours), and be sure to offer your signature customer service. These all go towards building your reputation and increasing return-customers.

Engage the community: Holding a class to educate customers about your industry, or the best ways to use your products or services, can be a great way to build brand-loyalty and foot traffic. Even better – host a community or charity event. If you choose to host an event, don’t forget to advertise it by posting it on your website, emailing clients, contacting media outlets, and creating new signage.

Online promotions: Take advantage of sites like Groupon, Amazon Local, LivingSocial, and others to promote your small business and target consumers nearby.
Do something new: Offering new products, services, and especially sales can be great ways of driving new foot traffic and recapturing the interest of old customers. If you own a service-oriented business, try starting a referral program to reward your loyal customers and generate new ones.

Stay in touch: all of the above suggestions can be much more successful if you stay in touch with your customers. There are lots of ways to do this:

  • Mailing list
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Social media updates
  • Weekly blog posts

With constant contact, your business can stay top-of-mind for current customers while attracting new customers.

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