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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Finance

Investing in Gold Coins vs. Coin Collecting: What’s the Difference?

Investing in gold coins and coin collecting aren’t the same thing. Collectors tend to buy coins as a hobby, while investors buy gold coins as a hedge against the economy.

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How ETFs Are Different from Bullion

There are all kinds of investment vehicles for gold, but the two most popular are arguably bullion, and bullion-backed exchange traded funds (ETFs). In this post, we’ll go over the basics of how

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Sovereign vs. Private Bullion

Investors who want to buy gold bullion may be faced with a choice to buy either sovereign or private bullion. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages regarding risk, price, and liquidity that

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More Countries are Bolstering their Gold Reserves

Hungary, Poland, Russia, India, and other countries have all recently made significant investments in their gold reserves. Learn the details in this blog post.

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Third Basel Accord’s New Definition of ‘Monetary Gold’ Now in Effect

The Basel Accords refer to the global, voluntary regulatory framework on banking regulations related to capital adequacy, stress testing, and market liquidity risk. The third installment of Accords,

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What’s up with Palladium Prices these Days

Out the major precious metal commodities, palladium is usually thought of as the least popular or least well known. But if recent pricing trends are any indication, those perceptions are certainly changing.

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