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Tag: Finance

The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 2

The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 2

One of the steepest price drops for silver in history occurred on Silver Thursday. Learn about the aftermath of the crash in this blog post.

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The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 1

The Epic Crash on Silver Thursday: Part 1

The Hunt brothers used their family fortune to try and corner the silver market, resulting in the infamous Silver Thursday. Read on to learn how it started.

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The World’s Largest Gold Vault: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York

The World’s Largest Gold Vault: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has more gold than any other bank in the world. Many foreign governments trust the reserve to manage their gold stores.

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Will Gold and Silver Become Legal Tender Again?

Will Gold and Silver Become Legal Tender Again?

Missouri, South Carolina, and Utah have been voting on legislation to expand the definition of legal tender – possibly recognizing gold and silver once again.

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Avoiding Gold Investment Scams

Avoiding Gold Investment Scams

As the value and popularity of gold has grown, so have the complexity of gold investment scams. Follow our tips to avoid these unscrupulous investment “opportunities.”

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Gold Price Market Update

Gold Price Market Update

March 2011 is seeing ten-year highs in the gold market. Our gold price market update post details about some of the factors impacting the current market.

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