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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Precious Metal Prices

Low Gold Prices May Shrink Worldwide Production

Low gold prices make the metal less profitable, causing mining companies to slow their production accordingly. Are we approaching “peak gold?” Read on.

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Russia Continues to Grow Gold Reserves

Russia has been steadily increasing its gold reserves month after month. Learn more about this trend and what it means in our blog post.

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China Devalues Currency, Affects Gold Prices

China devalued the yuan, creating widespread implications across the financial markets. Learn how and why this affects gold prices.

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Buying Gold Bullion

When buying gold bullion, you have many options when it comes to bullion type and selecting a vendor. Read on to learn the basics of buying gold bullion.

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Other Precious Metals are Selling Low, but not for the Same Reasons as Gold

Ruthenium and iridium price ranges have suffered from a lack of industrial demand. Learn more market phenomena in this post.

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China Liquidates U.S. Treasuries, Impacts Gold Prices

China announced that it is selling off lots of U.S. Treasuries. Read on to find out what this means for investors and gold prices.

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