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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Refining

What Do Pawnbrokers and Dentists Have in Common?

What Do Pawnbrokers and Dentists Have in Common?

The work of pawnbrokers and dentists, both result in scrap metals. Businesses can utilize their scraps by recycling them with Manhattan Gold & Silver.

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Recycling Dental Gold and Palladium

Recycling Dental Gold and Palladium

As more and more patients replace older fillings with new color-matched composite fillings, Manhattan Gold & Silver can assist with recycling your practice’s dental gold.

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Platinum: The Most Precious of Metals

Platinum: The Most Precious of Metals

Gold gets a lot of press, but platinum has a lot of value as a precious metal, as well. Manhattan Gold & Silver can help with all your platinum refining needs.

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A Season for Silver

A Season for Silver

Silver prices are on the rise even though gold tends to capture more attention and press. Manhattan Gold & Silver offers metal recycling services for all precious metals.

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Precious Metal Purity and Fineness

Precious metal purity is often measured in fineness where it refers to the total pure content in comparison to other metals contained. Other measures can then be applied to this.

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Recycling E Waste May Become Very Profitable in the Future

Recycling E Waste May Become Very Profitable in the Future

E waste will grow as technology grows. The E waste recycling industry is expected to grow to $21 Billion by 2020

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