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The Manhattan ‘Gold Rush’

As a precious metal refiner, MGS has built a reputation of extensive knowledge and experience with more than 30 years working in the Diamond District. We’re also known for our higher than average payouts for gold and other precious metals. But most of all, we’re known for our speed of service. Some clients are so impressed with our turnaround times that they like to call our service “the gold rush.”    

While our team definitely is fast, we pride ourselves on never “rushing.” Every client and every lot is handled with care. Whether you bring us your precious metals or have them shipped, we’re communicating with you every step of the way.

But let’s get back to speed – how are we so fast? It’s a combination of experience (family-owned and operated since 1985) and strict standards that ensure you get a fair valuation without long waiting times. For example, all of our payouts are based on the authoritative pricing of the London market fixings. If you bring in gold for hand testing, we’ll pay 98.5% of its London fixing value. There are no haggling skills required – just a fair, honest price.

So just how fast are our processing times? For most types of lots, we can have your payout the same day. For filing dust we can process that while you wait and watch! We can have your assay results and payout ready in three weeks or less for polishing lots. For large lots containing gemstones, we can safely remove the gems via a chemical process and have your payout ready in only 7-10 business days.

The testimonials from our customers speak volumes, but allow us to prove it to you. Contact us today for a quote, or to learn more about our refinery’s capabilities.

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