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New Designs for the MGS Historical Price Charts

Dedicated visitors to may have already noticed the slick redesigns we’ve launched for our historical precious metal price charts.

As a part of an overall website update, changes to the historical price charts include:

•    A large, single chart featuring a tabbed layout. The older pages displayed four smaller, separate charts to cover a set of default date ranges, in addition to a fifth user-generated chart. The new tabbed layout makes the charts easier to read and navigate, while also decreasing the load time for the chart page.

•    The default date ranges have been changed from 60 days, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years – to 5 days, 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years.

•    Data points are now visible on the charts. You can hover over a data point to display the date and precious metal price. This helps provide you with precise information.

The prices displayed on these historical graphs come from those set by the London fixing. There are price charts available for all the precious metals that Manhattan Gold & Silver deals in, including:

•    Historical Gold Prices
•    Historical Silver Prices
•    Historical Platinum Prices
•    Historical Palladium Prices

Start your research on the historical trends of precious metals valuations and check out the charts today!

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