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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Finance

India Updates GMS to Allow Repayment in Gold

India created a gold monetization scheme to buy gold from citizens. Now when citizens deposit their gold long-term, they can be repaid in gold! Learn more.

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Foreign Central Banks are Dumping US Debt to Buy Gold

Central banks are buying up gold and driving demand. Learn the background behind this gold buying trend in this blog post.

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Which is Worth More: Lego Bricks or Gold Bricks?

Which is Worth More: Lego Bricks or Gold Bricks?

Collectibles, like Lego sets, have been shown to have great ROI in some cases. Read on to learn why gold may still be a wiser investment.

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What is the Dodd-Frank Act?

More often than not, economic news coverage usually references the Dodd-Frank in some way. Learn the basics of the legislation here.

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Russia Continues to Grow Gold Reserves

Russia has been steadily increasing its gold reserves month after month. Learn more about this trend and what it means in our blog post.

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China Devalues Currency, Affects Gold Prices

China devalued the yuan, creating widespread implications across the financial markets. Learn how and why this affects gold prices.

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