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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: History

The Lost Silver Mines of Tayopa

The Lost Silver Mines of Tayopa

Lost mines of precious metals are purportedly all over the world, but Mexico is home to the elusive Tayopa silver mines which have been found and lost twice.

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The Not-so-Secret Coin Collection

The Not-so-Secret Coin Collection

A valuable 200 year-old coin collection was recently found hiding in plain site at a library in Belgium. The box was dusted for years without anyone ever looking inside.

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Of Glass and Gold

Of Glass and Gold

Cranberry glass uses gold to get its brilliant ruby color. With hundred of years of history, cranberry glass is noted for its crafting difficulty.

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The Lost Gold of Lake Guatavita

The Lost Gold of Lake Guatavita

Lake Guatavita is the source of the El Dorado myth. It also is the resting place of golden artifacts that many have tried for years to recover.

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Orichalcum: Extinct Metal or Common Alloy?

Orichalcum: Extinct Metal or Common Alloy?

In ancient Greece, the people valued a precious metal called orichalcum. However, it is no longer around today. What was this metal really made of?

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A Second Silver Shipwreck Discovered: The SS Mantola

A Second Silver Shipwreck Discovered: The SS Mantola

Hardly a month has passed and another silver-bearing shipwreck has been confirmed: the SS Mantola. Remarkably, the find is similar to the SS Gairsoppa rediscovery.

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