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Tag: Silver

Precious Metal Cars: Fact or Fiction?

Precious Metal Cars: Fact or Fiction?

The Internet has many photos of cars that are completely plated in silver or gold. But are the photos real? Read on to find out.

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Treasure Hunting Duo Finds Gigantic Silver Coin Stash: Part 2

Treasure Hunting Duo Finds Gigantic Silver Coin Stash: Part 2

After 30 years of searching, two metal detectorists finally found the hoard of silver coins they had been searching for. But they never thought it would be this big.

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Treasure Hunting Duo Finds Gigantic Silver Coin Stash: Part 1

Treasure Hunting Duo Finds Gigantic Silver Coin Stash: Part 1

Two metal detectorists recently discovered a record setting stash of silver coins in the Jersey countryside. And all it took was 30 years of searching.

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Lucky Penny Turns Into Silver Coins

Lucky Penny Turns Into Silver Coins

First, Scott Heeley found a lucky penny. Minutes later, he found a stash of ancient silver coins – a find that could easily be worth thousands.

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Will Gold and Silver Become Legal Tender Again?

Will Gold and Silver Become Legal Tender Again?

Missouri, South Carolina, and Utah have been voting on legislation to expand the definition of legal tender – possibly recognizing gold and silver once again.

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Spain Claims Giant Sunken Treasure

Spain Claims Giant Sunken Treasure

A treasure hunting company found the lost coin cargo of the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, but courts decided the entire treasure rightfully belonged to the country of Spain.

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