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How to Use Social Media to Sell more Jewelry

In the jewelry industry, product exposure is critical for building clientele and increasing your business. In today’s world, social media channels like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and others are excellent brand-building tools that allow you to engage with current and prospective customers. But if you have limited resources, which social media channels are worth your time? In this post, we’ll cover some of the best social media channels for jewelers and what you should be doing on them.


As an image-sharing website, Pinterest is the perfect place for jewelers to get exposure for their designs. And with the new “Buyable Pins” feature, users can easily purchase your jewelry through Pinterest. Take pictures of your jewelry to create original pins of your work that link back your website. It’s also helpful if you organize your pins into boards. Some great ideas for jewelry board themes include season, jewelry type (necklaces, earrings, rings, etc.), colors, and patterns.


While Pinterest has features that are more specialized toward jewelers and similar artisans, Facebook is a great all-around social media channel no matter what type of business you’re in. Facebook tracks all interactions with your business page, so you can see how often users like, comment on, or share your posts. Armed with this information, you can tailor your content to catch the interest of your followers. Some general rules of thumb for posting to Facebook include:

  • Try to post at least once per day
  • Post content that you think will interest your customers
  • Limit posts that advertise or “sell” your products to only 10-15% of your total posts
  • Include images whenever possible



If you’re really plugged into the jewelry industry, Twitter can be a great way to keep customers informed on new styles, events, and trends. Since this platform is more limited compared to other social media channels, it can be useful for linking to longer-form content on your website or Facebook page.

If done correctly, social media activities can increase overall exposure for your jewelry business. But, it’s important to note that these results do not come quickly. Set a consistent posting schedule, interact with your fans, and research your users’ data to get the most out of social media.



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