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Trunk Show Tips

Partnering with a retailer to host a trunk show can be a great way to get some publicity for your designs, and even make some sales. But if you want your trunk show to be really successful, it will require more than just a nice setup. Follow these tips to make your future trunk shows go as smoothly as possible.
Cultivate your Relationship with the Retailer – Do everything you can to make sure your hosting retailer has a good experience with you. This can open up many opportunities for your trunk shows, such as expanded space, more promotion, and even association with other retailers.
Self-Promotion – Not every retailer has the bandwidth to handle lots of promotion for your trunk show. After meeting with the retailer to learn what they can handle, be pro-active with your marketing. Some ideas you can try are:

  • Create storefront signage
  • Direct mail ads and/or flyers
  • Create a trunk show invitation for the retailer’s email list
  • Offer a sweepstakes or other incentive to customers who attend your trunk show
  • Serve some wine

Be Ready to Sell – The retailer may send customers your way, but it will be up to you to complete the sale. Be ready to talk about the inspiration behind your designs, interact with customers, and listen to feedback. Getting customers to try on your jewelry and “talking shop” with them can be really beneficial for your design process and future trunk shows.

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