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Silver vs. Lead – Which Metal Makes a Better Bullet? Part 4

For our last post about the efficacy of silver bullets, we’ll look at how all of the metal properties we’ve discussed so far add up to determine how well a silver bullet fires and functions.

After all of this explanation, just how well do silver bullets work? What better way to break down everything we’ve learned than using some “bullet points:”

•    Silver bullets are extremely difficult to make because of the price, the intense heat needed to melt them down for molding, and exact measurements required for them to fit gun barrels and function properly.
•    Because silver has a lower density, it has less power than a lead bullet.
•    Silver’s hardness makes it resistant to the rifling of a gun barrel, which makes silver bullets slower and less accurate.
•    Silver bullets are hard enough to resist flattening upon impact, which causes them to pierce through targets.

As you can see, the refining properties of silver make it an ill-suited material for bullets. Although they do actually work, lead is just an all-around better metal to use. If we’ve learned anything from the likes of Jean Chastel and The Lone Ranger, it’s that silver bullets are best saved for special occasions only!

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