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Earth Day, the Perfect Time to Recycle your Precious Metals

April 22, 2012 is Earth Day. In fact it is the 43rd Earth Day, a day that was created to inspire and expand awareness of the Earth and all of its assets.  It was founded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, and is now celebrated in over 175 countries around the world.

The idea for the first Earth Day came about after Senator Nelson’s visit to California where he saw first-hand the devastation to the environment caused by an oil spill in 1969.

Since that time, Earth Day has become synonymous with recycling.  Recycling everything from paper, to plastic, to glass, and even precious metals including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium can help the environment.

The benefits of recycling are endless. They include saving trees, energy, and water among others. But the benefit you don’t hear that much about is the money it can put in your pocket.
Bring your broken or rarely used gold, silver or platinum jewelry to Manhattan Gold and Silver and we will pay you cash for your scraps.  With the price of precious metals at all time highs, you can turn your unwanted treasures into real cash, all while doing your part for the environment by recycling metals that have already been mined!

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