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Category: Silver Market News

Lucky Penny Turns Into Silver Coins

Lucky Penny Turns Into Silver Coins

First, Scott Heeley found a lucky penny. Minutes later, he found a stash of ancient silver coins – a find that could easily be worth thousands.

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Silver Treasures Hidden in Russian Mansion

Silver Treasures Hidden in Russian Mansion

Workers who were restoring the 19th century Naryshkin mansion stumbled upon a hidden area filled with silver antiques and treasures.

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The Silverdale Hoard and the Return of Airdeconut

The Silverdale Hoard and the Return of Airdeconut

The Silverdale Hoard may not be the largest treasure found in the fields of England, but it did contain a very rare and special silver coin.

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The Rediscovery of the Cuerdale Hoard: Part 2

The Rediscovery of the Cuerdale Hoard: Part 2

In 1840, workers stumbled upon the Cuerdale Hoard while repairing the south bank of the River Ribble. It contained more than 8,600 silver artifacts.

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The Rediscovery of the Cuerdale Hoard: Part 1

The Rediscovery of the Cuerdale Hoard: Part 1

For hundreds of years, people knew the “greatest treasure in all of England” lay somewhere near the south bank of the River Ribble. They just couldn’t find it.

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A Second Silver Shipwreck Discovered: The SS Mantola

A Second Silver Shipwreck Discovered: The SS Mantola

Hardly a month has passed and another silver-bearing shipwreck has been confirmed: the SS Mantola. Remarkably, the find is similar to the SS Gairsoppa rediscovery.

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