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Precious Metals Blog

Category: Silver Market News

Silver Fulminate: Unstable Explosive and Children’s Toy

Silver fulminate will violently explode with the slightest provocation. Learn more about this silver compound and how it’s used to make a fun toy.

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Clouds with Silver Linings: Weather Modification Using Silver Iodide

Clouds with Silver Linings: Weather Modification Using Silver Iodide

The crystal structure of silver iodide allows humans to control rain, hail, and fog. Learn how silver iodide and cloud seeding work in this blog post.

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Platinum-Based Cancer Treatments

Platinum-Based Cancer Treatments

Platinum-based antineoplastic drugs have been used to treat cancer for more than 50 years. Learn how platinum is used in cancer treatments in this blog post.

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Silver vs. Lead – Which Metal Makes a Better Bullet? Part 4

Silver vs. Lead – Which Metal Makes a Better Bullet? Part 4

How effective are silver bullets when you account for silver’s price, density, melting point, and hardness? Find out in this blog post.

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Silver vs. Lead – Which Metal Makes a Better Bullet? Part 3

Silver vs. Lead – Which Metal Makes a Better Bullet? Part 3

Silver is harder than lead, which has all sorts of implications for the ballistic effectiveness of silver bullets. Learn why in this blog post.

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Silver vs. Lead – Which Metal Makes a Better Bullet? Part 2

Silver vs. Lead – Which Metal Makes a Better Bullet? Part 2

Silver and lead differ widely in terms of density and melting point – important properties in bullet making. Learn the details in this blog post.

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