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Tag: Coins

The World’s Most Valuable Gold Coin: The 1933 Double Eagle – Part 2

The World’s Most Valuable Gold Coin: The 1933 Double Eagle – Part 2

The story of the 1933 Double Eagle on display in Manhattan continues! An Egyptian king purchases the coin, but the coin doesn’t stay in Egypt for long.

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The World’s Most Valuable Gold Coin: The 1933 Double Eagle – Part 3

The World’s Most Valuable Gold Coin: The 1933 Double Eagle – Part 3

The story of the 1933 Double Eagle concludes! The coin is recovered just outside of Manhattan in a sting operation by the US Secret Service. But how does the coin get on display?

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The World’s Most Valuable Gold Coin: The 1933 Double Eagle – Part 1

The World’s Most Valuable Gold Coin: The 1933 Double Eagle – Part 1

One of the most valuable bits of gold is on display in Manhattan – a 1933 Double Eagle coin. Learn about the amazing history of this beautiful coin.

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An Incredible Silver Coin Collection: The Vale of York Hoard

An Incredible Silver Coin Collection: The Vale of York Hoard

Long ago, Vikings buried the Vale of York Hoard. It contains rare silver coins from all over the world and is the second most valuable English treasure discovered.

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More Bullion Coins from Around the World

More Bullion Coins from Around the World

The variety of bullion coins available is incredible – featuring extreme sizes, designs, and precious metal content. We highlighted some particularly interesting coins.

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Popular Bullion Coins

Popular Bullion Coins

Countries all around the world produce a wide selection of bullion coins. Because of their varied designs and metal content, they are popular collector’s items.

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