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Tag: Coins

How a Trillion-Dollar Platinum Coin Would Work

How a Trillion-Dollar Platinum Coin Would Work

It was proposed that a $1 trillion platinum coin could have solved the debt ceiling crisis from earlier this year. Here’s how that crazy idea would’ve worked.

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Coin Collecting Terms

Coin Collecting Terms

Coin collecting is a vast hobby that can be intimidating for beginners. Use these terms to bring your numismatic vocabulary up to speed.

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Treasure Hunting Duo Finds Gigantic Silver Coin Stash: Part 2

Treasure Hunting Duo Finds Gigantic Silver Coin Stash: Part 2

After 30 years of searching, two metal detectorists finally found the hoard of silver coins they had been searching for. But they never thought it would be this big.

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Treasure Hunting Duo Finds Gigantic Silver Coin Stash: Part 1

Treasure Hunting Duo Finds Gigantic Silver Coin Stash: Part 1

Two metal detectorists recently discovered a record setting stash of silver coins in the Jersey countryside. And all it took was 30 years of searching.

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Lucky Penny Turns Into Silver Coins

Lucky Penny Turns Into Silver Coins

First, Scott Heeley found a lucky penny. Minutes later, he found a stash of ancient silver coins – a find that could easily be worth thousands.

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World’s Rarest US Gold Coin Rediscovered (?): Part 3

World’s Rarest US Gold Coin Rediscovered (?): Part 3

An ultra rare 1870-S $3 gold coin surfaced and shocked the numismatic world. If it’s genuine, it could be worth more than $4 million.

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