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Tag: History

Israel Switt’s Legacy: Part 2

Israel Switt’s Legacy: Part 2

Family members of the infamous Israel Switt found a stash of double eagle coins that he had hidden away. Learn about the coins and the legal controversy here.

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The 1933 Double Eagle & Israel Switt’s Legacy

Israel Switt was the original “owner” of the 1933 Double Eagle. But shortly after the original case was resolved, 10 more were found among his belongings.

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Why the ‘Brexit Vote’ in the UK Utterly Rocked Gold Prices

The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. Read on to learn why this is causing market turmoil and booting the gold price.

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Gold ‘Artifact’ Baffles Experts

The Israel Antiquities Authorities asked Facebook to help them identify a gold artifact found in a cemetery. Find out what they learned in this blog post.

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Molehill turns out to be Mountain of Treasure

While removing a molehill, a farmer found one of Switzerland’s most significant archaeological discoveries! Learn the details of the find in this post.

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$4.5M in Spanish Treasure Recovered off Florida Coast

Treasure hunters have salvaged artifacts from the legendary 1715 fleet shipwreck. Learn more about this shipwreck and treasure find here.

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