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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: History

The Gold of Fort Knox

The United States Bullion Depository at Fort Knox holds a truly astounding amount of gold. Learn more about Fort Knox’s gold here.

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Why Aluminum is no Longer a Precious Metal

Aluminum used to be rarer and more expensive than gold. Read on to learn why aluminum is no longer a precious metal.

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Carpets: A Time-Tested Source of Gold

Could your old carpeting be hiding thousands of dollars in precious metals? It’s not unheard of! Read our blog post to learn why.

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World’s Oldest Coin Enters Private Collection

One of the world’s oldest and rarest coins was sold to a private collector this year. Learn more about the coin’s history in this blog post.

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The Legacy of the World’s Largest Diamond

The Cullinan Diamond was the largest ever found, and has been used in multiple pieces of jewelry. Learn about the cuts of the famous diamond in this infographic.

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Fun Facts about the Gold Under London’s Streets

The Bank of England’s underground vaults store a significant portion of the world’s gold reserves. Learn more about the vaults in this blog post.

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