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Tag: Mining

A New Method for Discovering Gold Ore Deposits – Part 2

A geology company claims that groundwater analysis can reveal the locations of undiscovered gold deposits. Learn how it works in this blog post.

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A New Method for Discovering Gold Ore Deposits – Part 1

Finding new deposits of gold ore has become more challenging over the years. Learn about the difficulties mining companies face – and a potential solution.

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A New Development in Smelting Methodology

MIT researchers have stumbled upon a cleaner, cheaper smelting process that uses contained electrolysis. Learn how it works in this post.

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Australian Prospector has the Best Weekend Ever

Australia is famous for producing so many gold nuggets over the years. A veteran prospector recently unearthed a new one weighing more than 4 kilograms.

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Is it Worthwhile to Mine these New Gold Deposits?

Geologists claim that the Taupo Volcanic Zone could have an abundance of gold and silver, but accessing them would be challenging. Learn more in this post.

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China’s Largest Gold Mine is Under Water

A Chinese mining company has discovered a large deposit of gold ore under the ocean. Learn more about this latest development in gold mining.

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