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Tag: Mining

Is this the end for the ‘Golden Age’ of Australian Mining?

Australia’s gold mines will reach peak production by the year 2021, according to an analysis recently published by industry advisory firm, MinEx Consulting. The report (PDF) provides a comprehensive

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Why is this Mine the World’s Largest Source of Gold?

Since its discovery in 1886, the Witwatersrand Basin near Johannesburg, South Africa has produced more than 1.5 BILLION troy ounces of gold. That’s almost half of all the gold ever mined in the

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How Gold Sluices Work

Sluice boxes are old technology, but to this day they are a great tool for finding gold. Read our blog post and infographic to learn more about gold sluices.

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How to Tell if an Area is Worth Mining for Gold

Miners use geologic indicators to help them find new sources of gold. Learn more about why these clues work in this post.

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How Gold Deposits Form

When looking for new sources of gold, miners consider how gold deposits form, and under what geological conditions. Learn how gold ore forms in this post.

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How to Test Rocks for Gold

If you find a rock that looks like it contains gold, how can you tell for sure? Read our blog post to learn how to test rocks for gold.

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