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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Platinum

Could Bacteria Help Platinum Miners Find New Deposits?

Does bacteria help cycle platinum-group metals in the earth? Learn more about the research in this blog post.

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Platinum-Group Metal Used in Alternative Energy Breakthrough

Researchers have found a way to use a ruthenium-based catalyst to efficiently convert CO2 into methanol for fuel. Learn how it works in this post.

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Fun Facts About Platinum

Platinum is a unique metal with an interesting history and even more interesting characteristics. Check out this infographic to learn more!

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$5 Trillion Dollar Platinum Asteroid Zooms Past Earth

A platinum-rich asteroid passes relatively close to Earth, while an asteroid mining company makes its first technological breakthrough.

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Casting Grains vs. Master Alloys

Read on to learn about the difference between precious metal casting grains and master alloys – and the benefits of buying them separately.

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Ruthenium vs. Iridium in Platinum Alloys

Platinum is commonly mixed with either ruthenium or iridium. But what’s the difference between these two alloys? Read our blog post to find out.

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