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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Platinum

Platinum and Glassmaking

Glass is everywhere, but did you know platinum makes it possible? Read this post to learn how platinum is used in industrial glassmaking.

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Platinum Used in Brain Surgery

This intracranial platinum-electrode grid is an important tool for mapping the brain’s cortex. Learn more about ECoG and platinum medicine here.

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Everyday Uses for Platinum

Many technologies utilize platinum in their design. Read on to learn about how platinum makes everyday modern life possible.

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Platinum Catalysts and Nitric Acid Production

Platinum Catalysts and Nitric Acid Production

Platinum is required to manufacture nitric acid, which is used to assay precious metals. Learn about the process by reading this blog post.

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A Replacement for Platinum in Fuel Cells

A Replacement for Platinum in Fuel Cells

Researchers may have discovered a new type of catalyst in fuel cells. Learn how it could replace platinum catalysts by reading this blog post.

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Platinum Eye Jewelry

Platinum Eye Jewelry

A new fad has made headlines here in New York City – platinum jewelry surgically inserted into the eye. Learn how it works by reading our article.

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