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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Precious Metal Uses

The 2018 Winter Olympics Medal Design

A record-breaking 2,925 athletes from 92 countries were scheduled to compete in the 2018 Winter Games, according to ABC News. 

No matter which country the athletes represented, they all came to

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Precious Metals in Dentistry

When folks hear that dental offices make up a good portion of our clientele, they automatically think of gold teeth and crowns. They are usually surprised to learn that silver, platinum, and palladium

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Fun Facts about Palladium

Of the precious metals we refine here at Manhattan Gold & Silver, palladium is the least well known. Discovered in 1802 by William Hyde Wollaston, palladium is one of the six PGMs and has a wide range

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Why Catalytic Convertors Contain PGMs

Besides jewelry, platinum group metals (PGMs) are known for their use in catalytic converters for automobiles and other equipment that use combustion engines. The demand for catalytic converters is so

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Gold Coatings for Scanning Electron Microscopy

Aside from being a store of value, gold has multiple engineering, scientific, and industrial uses. Some of these applications are of enormous scale, but others are astonishingly small. For example,

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Medical Uses for Platinum

Precious metals are a critical resource in the healthcare industry. Silver’s anti-microbial properties have earned it several roles in medicine. Gold can be used for dental fillings, or converted into

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