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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Precious Metal Uses

The Uses of Platinum

In ancient times, Egyptians and early Americans used platinum for jewelry and decorative pieces. The first record of platinum dates back to 1557, when Italian physician Julius Scaliger described a

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Precious Metals Defined

Every culture has its own definition of what makes a metal “precious.” Some countries find metals alluring for their beauty. Others value metals for their functional purpose, as they can be used to

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Brewery Makes Gold Beer from Ancient Recipe

It’s almost Friday and, if you’re like most Americans, you celebrate with the alcoholic beverage of choice: beer. You might choose a medium-bodied amber lager, with a toasty or caramel-like finish.

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The Difference Between Platinum and Palladium

Platinum and palladium are often likened to cousins, as they bear many similarities. Both metals have a naturally white appearance. And, like family, they have a similar makeup, which causes them to

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Gold & Glass: A Perfect Pair

For years, gold has been combined with glass to create functional works of art. It has taken the form of luxurious glassware, used by the upper class of Augustan Rome. Gold glaze has also been used on

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Silver Alloys and their Uses

Like other precious metals, silver is an amazing material with many unique properties. Its plasticity is second only to gold, it has the highest thermal conductivity of any metal, it has antimicrobial

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