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Tag: Mining

Results of the Gold King Mine Wastewater Spill

After 3 million gallons of acidic wastewater spilled from the abandoned Gold King mine, the ecological fallout spread more than 100 miles. Learn the details here.

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The Lead up to Gold King Mine Wastewater Spill

Three million tons of wastewater were spilled under EPA supervision at the Gold King mine in Colorado. Learn about the environmental impacts here.

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Low Gold Prices May Shrink Worldwide Production

Low gold prices make the metal less profitable, causing mining companies to slow their production accordingly. Are we approaching “peak gold?” Read on.

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The Future of Space Mining Regulations: Part 2

Regulations that govern sovereignty disputes in Antarctica could serve as models for harvesting precious metals in outer space.

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The Future of Space Mining Regulations: Part 1

Extraterrestrial prospecting will soon be a reality, but who will have the property rights to the precious metals discovered? We speculate here.

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The Conflict-Free Gold Standard: What is it & Why it Matters: Part 2

In this post, we describe the basics of the Conflict-Free Gold Standard and how it helps companies operate ethically in conflicted regions.

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