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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Refining

How do Refiners get Gold from Electronics?

Electronics use small amounts of precious metals to work properly. Check out our infographic to learn refiners extract those metals.

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How Ultra-Pure Gold is Made

The Wohlwill Process is a complex refining technique capable of producing gold samples of 99.999% purity. Learn the science behind the Wohlwill Process here.

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Our Refining Process for Polishing Sweeps

MGS can now refine polishing sweeps faster than ever before! Learn more about this refining process in our blog post.

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Cupellation and the Birth of Precious Metal Refining

Cupellation is a refining process used to extract pure gold from lead ores. Learn more about how cupellation works by reading our blog post.

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Pan Amalgamation and Variations

Pan Amalgamation and Variations

Pan amalgamation processes went through several evolutions to improve the efficiency of silver mining. Learn more about pan amalgamation here.

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The Patio Process and the Start of Amalgamation Refining

The Patio Process and the Start of Amalgamation Refining

Bartolomé de Medina is credited with the invention of the patio process, which made 16th century silver refining much easier. Read on to learn how it works.

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