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How do Refiners get Gold from Electronics?

Although we have clients who love our personalized service and same-day payouts so much that they ship their precious metals to us, most of our customers are our neighbors here in Manhattan’s Diamond District. Just as Silicon Valley is known for technology, the Diamond District is known for jewelry – so our refinery services are specialized for helping jewelers and pawnbrokers. Occasionally, we are asked (usually by a fascinated client watching us melt down their precious metals) whether we can reclaim gold from electronics as well. To maintain our level of service, we do not accept electronic scrap at our refinery. But that doesn’t mean we couldn’t!
Extracting gold from old electronics on a small scale is relatively simple (but with more than 30 years of experience under our belts, we may be biased). Actually, it’s quite similar to the method we use to process polishing sweeps. You could even do it at home if you had the equipment, chemistry knowledge, and patience. Unfortunately, since the yield is so low, you could only quit your day-job if you could process tons of scrap at a time.

By popular request, we’ve outlined the basics of electronic scrap refining in the infographic below. If you have any questions about our refinery or capabilities, please contact us.

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