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Tag: History

Secure Gold Storage

For thousands of years, people have used vaults for gold storage. One of the most well known vaults is Fort Knox, where 147.3 million ounces of gold holdings are stored. 

No visitors are permitted

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Ants Help Detect Gold in the Ground

The “Gold Rush” was sparked by the discovery of gold nuggets in Sacramento Valley in 1848. Thousands of prospective miners traveled to California by land and sea, extracting more than 750,000 pounds

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What is a ‘Gold Hallmark’?

Early gold hallmarks were used to indicate the fineness of gold, as well as the assaying office that certified its purity. The term “hallmark” originated in 1327, when King Edward of England granted a

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Brewery Makes Gold Beer from Ancient Recipe

It’s almost Friday and, if you’re like most Americans, you celebrate with the alcoholic beverage of choice: beer. You might choose a medium-bodied amber lager, with a toasty or caramel-like finish.

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What We’ve Gained From the Alchemist Who Tried to Turn Pee Into Gold

In the 17th century, alchemists experimented with a substance that most of us would never consider valuable — urine. 

But it was one German alchemist, Hennig Brand, who made one of the world’s most

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Gold & Glass: A Perfect Pair

For years, gold has been combined with glass to create functional works of art. It has taken the form of luxurious glassware, used by the upper class of Augustan Rome. Gold glaze has also been used on

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