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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Science and Technology

Is the Earth Running Out of Gold?

While the concept of the Earth running out of gold may seem farfetched, it’s actually not. Here is how it could happen.

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How Silver Is Used to Make Folding Phone Screens

It’s still early days for the technology, but it looks like folding touchscreen displays for TVs, smartphones, and other gadgets are going to be the next big thing in consumer electronics.

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These specimens on display at the Melbourne Museum in Victoria

How Entomologists Use Gold to Document New Species

If you like to stay up-to-date on the latest gold buying trends, then you’re probably familiar with the term “gold bug.” But, did you know that literal gold bugs are essential for helping

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Green Technology Driving Silver Demand (And Prices)

Since platinum group metals (PGMs) are a necessary component of catalytic converters, and pretty much every vehicle with a combustion engine needs a catalytic convertor, the correlation between PGM

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Lab-Grown Diamonds are about to get Even Cheaper

Ever since laboratories managed to grow gem-quality specimens consistently and at scale, “synthetic” diamonds have steadily gained popularity with today’s jewelry buyers. In addition to being

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Humanium – A New Alloy for a Good Cause

“Peace does not come through prayer, we human beings must create peace. Also, power of truth is more powerful and enduring than the power of gun. Therefore, the Humanium Metal by IM Initiative is a

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