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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Science and Technology

New Material ‘Diamene’ is Harder than Diamonds

Researchers have created a new material that’s as pliable as tin foil, but hard enough to stop a bullet upon impact. The new material — called “diamene” — has many potential uses, such as waterproof

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How Gold is Created in Outer Space

We all know gold is mined from the ground. But, have you ever wondered how it got there? Surprisingly, gold is most likely from outer space – formed in the hearts of dying stars and propelled across

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New Device Uses Body to Create Electricity

Has your phone ever died while you were away from home? It tends to happen at the most inopportune times, like in the middle of an important call or while you’re accessing Google Maps for

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New Form of Gold is Lighter Than Milk Foam

Gold is known for its malleability, conductivity and beauty. But it’s never been known as lightweight — until now.Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a new type of foam made of gold — and it’s

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Scientists Replicate the Hope Diamond

For the first time, scientists constructed near-perfect replicas of the Hope Diamond, using cubic zirconia. The replicas show how the Hope Diamond looked in its previous forms: when it was first

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Silver Halides in Early Film Technology

As a full-service refinery, precious metal sellers who are new clients of ours are often surprised about the variety of scrap we pay for. We do not accept certain types of silver-bearing photographic

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