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Managing Your Business’ Reputation Online

Here in the Diamond District, all of us businesses owners are aware (to some degree) of the reputations held by the local businesses. While it may be easy to build and maintain a reputation with locals, the ability to manage your businesses reputation online is what has the most impact in the long run. Here are some tips to for managing the popular perception of your business online – which can help increase sales and bring in new customers.

Set up Google Alerts for your business

Google Alerts are email updates you receive when new results appear on Google for search terms you select. Set up alerts for your business’ name, as well the names of yourself and co-owners. If someone on the Internet starts talking about you or your business, you’ll know.

Stake a claim on social media

The social media channels you want to be a part of will vary depending on your industry – but in general, it’s a good idea to set up Twitter and Facebook pages with your business’ logo and contact information. Post industry updates, interesting articles, and business promotions to keep the conversation going with your customers.

Ask for reviews

Customer submitted reviews have grown into a major driver for businesses. Ask your customers to write honest reviews for Yelp, Google+ Local, or anywhere else your business has a web presence. This not only helps you build reputation, but it also provides the feedback you need to improve your business.



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