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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Mining

Witwatersrand Basin: Where Gold Comes From

The Witwatersrand Basin is a major source of the entire world’s gold output. In fact, nearly half of all the gold ever mined has come from the basin.

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The Life of a Gold Rush

The Life of a Gold Rush

Gold rushes all start and end nearly the same way. Mining efforts start very small, but they eventually peak and die out according to these steps.

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New Precious Metal Veins Found in Haiti

New Precious Metal Veins Found in Haiti

Large amounts of gold and silver were recently discovered in the country of Haiti. Will mining these metals turn the country’s fortunes?

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Mining Gold from Asteroids

Mining Gold from Asteroids

An ambitious Seattle based company is setting their sites on the distant stars. They are planning to mine asteroids for precious metals like gold and platinum.

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The Lost Silver Mines of Tayopa

The Lost Silver Mines of Tayopa

Lost mines of precious metals are purportedly all over the world, but Mexico is home to the elusive Tayopa silver mines which have been found and lost twice.

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Gold Mining and Cyanide

Gold Mining and Cyanide

Gold can be dissolved in a solution of cyanide. This process of gold cyanidation is one of the most efficient ways to mine for gold.

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