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Tag: Mining

The Mining Tech in the Mponeng Gold Mine

The Mining Tech in the Mponeng Gold Mine

The Mponeng gold mine in South Africa is the world’s deepest gold mine. Learn more about the equipment it uses for daily operation in this article.

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A Future Source of Precious Metals: Asteroids?

A Future Source of Precious Metals: Asteroids?

Private sector companies are quickly making their way to space to mine precious metals from asteroids. Find out how viable this emerging field is here.

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Water and the Gold Mining Process

From ancient history to today, water has made gold mining possible. Learn about gold panning, hushing, and hydraulic mining in this blog post.

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How the Earth Creates Mineable Gold

Geologists have recently discovered that gold deposits are bulked up nearly every time an earthquake occurs. Learn why in this blog post.

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Phytomining: Can plants really grow gold?

Phytomining: Can plants really grow gold?

Phytomining is the method by which plants extract gold particles from soil. Find out how it compares to gold mining in terms of profitability.

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The World’s Largest Gold Nugget: Welcome Stranger

The World’s Largest Gold Nugget: Welcome Stranger

The world’s largest gold nugget, named “Welcome Stranger” was found in Victoria, Australia. It’s since been melted down, but is still fondly remembered.

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